Monday, September 24, 2007

Pray for Copeland

I've been following the story of tiny little Copeland Farley of Nashville, TN, since before her birth last week, and my mind can hardly think of anything else today.

Copeland's parents, Boothe and Conor, were told several months ago that their little girl had Trisomy 18, a chromosomal disorder which usually results in death before or shortly after birth. These precious parents have been blessed to spend several days with their little one, but it's been a roller coaster ride from the beginning. In the wee hours of this morning, it appeared that Copeland was in her final moments of life, but she is still here, breathing and living.

You can read the rest of Copeland's story here. Prepare to be blown away by the faith of this mother and father. If you think of the Farleys today, please pray for them. They're walking through the fire, for sure.


♥Lisa♥ @ FinalScore:Boys3Girls2 said...

oh my, i havent gone and read it yet, but I will. when I was pg with Code we were told Trisomy 18 or 21. Thankfully the amnio showed it was neither.

♥Lisa♥ @ FinalScore:Boys3Girls2 said...

what a beautiful family and a sweet baby girl. They are in my prayers.